Sunday, October 4, 2009

2007 and the craziness that went with it!

Posted Oct 22, 2007 8:04pm
So we had a great weekend. Mason's MRI went smoothly last week and the results show that the tumor is a teeny bit smaller so we don't have to do another MRI for 1 year. Mom said she was ready to kill the nurses - Mason was so upset about being back at the hospital and when they started fussing for a vein it was just too much.
Saturday the girls both participated in the fair's Chicken Scramble - Mason caught a chicken and put a choke hold on it. Ashton caught one too. We had Ashton's school Fall Festival later and Corey and I took Ashton by herself so she could enjoy her afternoon and then we all loaded up and went back to the fair for the last night to ride rides and play.
School went well today for everyone and we look forward to an uneventful week - just dance classes, gymnastics, soccer, and riding lessons...the fun stuff!

Posted Oct 18, 2007 12:15am
Life as we know it has returned...Hallelujah! Mason was able to go to the Lab School today and see her teachers and friends...she was THRILLED! Her little rear is looking good and the drainage tubes are working. I am going to get her up for a big breakfast in about 6 hours b/c she'll be NPO (that's code for no food/drink) after 7:30am. She's having her MRI at 2:45pm and has to have general anesthesia so...empty tummy needed. My mom is taking a 1/2 day off from work to take her so that I can get caught up from the day I took off. I'm thankful that she can do this for me but feel awful not being there for Mason. This will be the first time that I haven't taken her for a procedure and I feel a little bit like a bad mom for missing it but I have to work to keep her insured and be able to pay for these things so... It's times like this that I wish I could win the lottery; though someone would have to give me a ticket b/c I don't buy them. It's just so hard to juggle work and kids as many of you know...but it's so much harder when your kid has special needs and requires so many therapy appts, dr visits, and just eats away at vacation and sick days VERY QUICKLY!
We went to the Brazoria County Fair tonight. Took pics of Ashton with her blue ribbon winning artwork! We ate some good gumbo and red beans/rice from one of the fundraising booths. Ashton and I rode the big ferris wheel and tons of other rides - she actually requested the ferris wheel - and it's a HUGE one. She's getting more adventurous every year. Ash passed out at home - after school, soccer practice, and then the fair she was worn out. Mason and Dax enjoyed the animals and lights/sounds of the fair. We'll probably go back every night and then do the Chicken Scramble on Saturday - Mason's finally old enough to do it and I can't wait to see what she does!

Posted Oct 16, 2007 7:42pm
Okay so today absolutely SUCKED! I apologize for not updating the page but I couldn't get out of Mason room. I got to the hospital this morning and was told her MRI was scheduled for 12:45pm and that discharge orders had been written already so...once the MRI was done we could go home. Well, 12:45 came and nobody from DI (Diagnostic Imaging) had come to get May. Our nurse called down and they said "Oh, she's been bumped to 3." Then 3 comes and goes..."Oh, we're running behind, it'll be 3:45." Then it moved to 4:30 - at this point a hospital administrator was called (by our nurse) to come sort things out. He got nothing done but gave me $10 in parking passes - (insert sarcasm here) woo-hoo. I asked about discharge papers and packed up the room. I told the admin that this happened to Mason a year ago and it was ridiculous etc...I was pretty upset but tried to be nice.
Some of you may think I'm over-reacting to her time being bumped but when you realize that she had no IV and hadn't had anything to eat or drink since 9pm LAST night...I think you'll understand. By the time we were told it would be 4:30 and then 5:15 - she was lying on the floor and didn't have the energy to get up. She had gone 20 hours without food or water or IV fluids. I made an executive decision and gave her a juice box...she tried to drink it while laying down. She was completely worn out and I was completely ticked off. The nurses were great and very apologetic. I told our nurse that I appreciated them getting the admin involved. At one point, Mason's nurse actually had tears in her eyes b/c she was so upset that Mason had been bumped and was starving. Every time they walked in the room, Mason would say eat or water or frech fries (sounds like prench pries)...
We have to go back on Thursday for the MRI but we are home now and that's all that matters. Thank you for the prayers. Mason's rear looks good and she's happy to be home and fed!

Posted Oct 15, 2007 3:44pm
Mason is awake and happy. I just took her and Dax for a wagon ride and that made her very happy. The nurse said that Mason is set to be squeezed in for a MRI tomorrow so she'll be NPO after dinner but can have clear liquids until 6am. I asked if they would hook up her IV if the wait got too long. Last time she ended up being NPO for 24 hours waiting to be "squeezed in." She assured me that they were better scheduled now. They are still trying to coordinate the ABR hearing test.
They are wiring the old Crown Plaza Hotel across the street (Fannin) to be demolished...I hope I'm here when it happens- should be pretty amazing to see.
Posted Oct 15, 2007 12:56pm
I spoke with our pediatrician and they are getting Mason scheduled for a MRI and ABR (hearing test) in the morning. She has to have general anesthesia for these so we're going to get them done while she has the IV port. I am heading up to TCH now with Dax so that Corey can come home for a bit. Ashton is staying at school and mom is picking her up and taking her to dance class before they come to the hospital.
Corey said Mason is playing. She's been "driving" one of the play cars all around the 11th floor and is mad that she can't go to the play room. She does not have MRSA but the dr hasn't rewritten her papers so they have to keep her away from the other kids.

Posted Oct 15, 2007 11:00am
I spoke with Corey this morning. Our pediatrician came by to check on Mason and said that the surgeon would be the one to decide when she goes home. She did say that it would be tomorrow at the earliest.
Mason was playing a game with Corey, throwing her stuffed pony out of the crib, and watching Blue's Clues and Veggie Tales. He said she ate some of her pancakes, 1/4 of a banana and drank some juice this morning.
I have left a message with our doctor to see if we can get her leg (bone tumor) MRI done while she's in the hospital so that she doesn't have to come back for it later this week. Also, insurance covers these procedures a lot better when you're inpatient so it'd be nice to save a $1000 if I can.

Posted Oct 14, 2007 11:42pm
Corey is staying the night at the hospital with Mason so that I can get Ashton and Dax to school/daycare in the morning. I am planning on working but we'll just see how it goes and what's going on at the hospital. Mason slept a lot this afternoon and would wake up occasionally to look around the room. They took her off of IV fluids since she was drinking so well. She still won't eat but that's not unusual for her after surgery. I ordered her a big breakfast with pancakes, chz omelet, sausage, and fruit b/c I anticipate she'll be hungry. She really hasn't eaten in the past 36 hours. She had a piece of raisin bread for breakfast before the parade yesterday and ate some chicken for lunch that same day and then has had nothing since. She'll probably be chewing her arm in her sleep tonight ;o)
Ashton and Dax are happy to be home. It was an adventure for them sleeping at the hospital but it's nice to be home. Ashton was actually pretty upset that she couldn't stay with Mason tonight. I think school tomorrow is going to be difficult for her but I want her to go for the routine.

Posted Oct 14, 2007 2:26pm
Mason is out of surgery and doing well. She has already had 2 boxes of applejuice, some Gatorade, and a handful of french fries. She is sleeping now. She was trying to wave to one of the nurses as she was falling asleep...pretty funny to watch. Nothing else at the moment, no idea how long she will stay. Keep praying that the site heals quickly and meds work effectively.
Posted Oct 14, 2007 12:58pm
Okay, we spent the entire night in the ER and were transferred into a room around 6:30am. I took Mason down to prep for surgery around 10:30am and she was in good spirits. We did a lot of "butterfly kisses" and "eskimo kisses" which makes her very happy. She was very loving and kept labeling my eyes, ears, and fingers while we waited to go back to the OR. Mason went in for surgery at 11:40am and is in recovery now with my mom. I am with Dax and Ashton in the Family Library. She will have to stay 24-36 hours if it's anything like last time. I won't know for sure until later today. We are on the 11th floor in room #1. Room phone # 832-826-1101. Ashton and Dax are doing great and playing well with each other - like we're in a hotel room.
Corey is working and will be coming later tonight to stay with Mason while I take the others home and try to get some work done tomorrow. He's off on Mondays so it works out well.
Thank you for the prayers. I know she had to have surgery but she seems MUCH BETTER than she did when this happened in May.
The family library closes at 3pm so I may not get to post again. If anything significant happens, I will have someone post a message later.

Posted Oct 13, 2007 9:28pm
Okay, so we're heading to the Emergency Room at Texas Children's...I hate this. She has a 102.6 fever and won't take her meds. I feel like the world is caving in again. I will post when I can which will probably be in the morning. Feel free to call my cell phone if you have the number.

Posted Oct 13, 2007 7:08pm
Okay, lots to report and unfortunately it's not all good. The girls did great in the parade this morning. Mason smiled, blew kisses, and waved the whole time. So did Ashton.
Now the bad, we thought Mason's little butt was saddle sore this evening due to the 3 mile pony ride. Took off her diaper and TA-DA...another staph infection. I've been bragging that this school year has gone SO much better than last year - no hospitalizations etc and now this. I've called the dr and they are calling in the big gun antibiotic. We have to watch her closely tonight and will decide what to do depending on how she reacts to the meds.
Please pray that she doesn't need surgery again!!!

Posted Oct 4, 2007 10:16pm
Today was a good day. The van is already at the body shop, parts are being ordered, and I have a rental. I had the option of a full size sedan or truck. I got the truck. It's a Dodge Ram SLT extended cab...I wanted something large and substantial to drive in. All 3 carseats fit in the back seat and Ashton is loving it. I'm pretty sore today and found another bad bruise on my right shin but it's no worse than getting kicked in the leg. Ashton made me a card last night that simply said, "NO crashing Jen." She's been back seat driving all day and it's starting to get a little annoying but I know it's her way of coping with the wreck.
We went out to the lake today to visit with my Uncle Dan, Aunt Meredith and their boys Griffin and Jordan. They live in Hawaii so we don't see them often enough. The kids had a blast playing outside, riding in the boat, and driving the golfcart.
Mason is doing good. She seems to have an upset stomach but has been eating a lot of fruit lately too so...hard to say which is the cause. Just pray for her tummy to settle.

Posted Oct 3, 2007 8:58pm
Okay, so busy day today. First things first...Mason is farsighted and has to get glasses. We went to the University Eye Clinic at UH today and had her vision assessed.
Next, we were going to the mall tonight to buy Corey some shoes and look at glasses frames for Mason when...dumb butt me...pulled out in front of a car and got hit. The family is fine. My ego, ankle, and neck are bruised. Corey's left leg is cut. Kids are fine - Dax and Mason weren't phased at all...Ashton was a basket-case. All I could do was say some choice words right before impact. It was my fault but I know the officer from times past and I didn't get a ticket. The van wasn't able to be driven but should be fairly easily repaired. The poor man that I pulled out in front of also goes to our church...another blow to the ego for me.

Posted Sep 30, 2007 10:58pm
The DSAH Buddy Walk was yesterday and Mason did great. She walked about 1/2 a mile on her own and rode in the wagon the rest of the time. Corey, mom, and I took turns pulling the wagon/stroller. We were able to pick up the new 2008 calendars...I have a box of 100 to sell (just $10 each) and Mason is Miss February. Contact me if you want to buy one or go online to and buy one there. While we were walking, people kept commenting on how cute she was and by the end of the walk some people were actually recognizing her from the calendar! She's my little model ;o)
Ashton proudly carried the Mason's Fan Club sign with our friend Clare Norris. Clare's mommy, Lisa, works with me and she brought her family and fiance to the walk to support my angel. Mason's Aunt Lori and baby Genevieve and G-Daddy Mike also came to support her. It was very nice.
I'm going to send in a picture and blurp to the Brazosport Facts about it so the association will get some publicity...any support helps.
Today we went to Pony Land and just had a lazy day. I'm off this next week. Mason will have her eye exam at the University of Houston vision clinic on Wednesday afternoon...should be interesting. Her last exam was when she was about 3-4 months old so...I'm curious to see how this differs. Back then, they waved prisms in her eyes and had her track objects. I don't think she had any vision problems but I just want to be sure. I have to schedule an exam for Ashton while I'm there too - it's a very comprehensive exam and insurance covers it at the same amount so I'd rather go there than the regular eye doctor.
Dax is going well. He's crawling faster and standing a little longer. Ashton is doing great in ballet/tap dance and is going to try jazz/hiphop...thought it might help her develop some rhythm. I'm off this next week so we're going to play and relax. My Uncle Dan and Aunt Meredith are coming in from Hawaii with their sons Griffin and Jordan for my grandparents 50th wedding anniversary - I'm excited to visit them!!
Thanks for the support and don't forget to buy your 2008 DSAH calendars - Miss February is BEAUTIFUL!

Posted Sep 19, 2007 10:14pm
Well the 1:1 dance lessons were MUCH better...she didn't cry and she really seemed to enjoy the format. It was more like the "creative movement" class should be and not so much a "pre-ballet" like the larger group was...much more appropriate for a 2 year old.
Mason had her 6 month visit to the Down Syndrome Clinic at TCH for evaluation on Monday. They estimated her to be at about a 20 month old level in communication and fine motor, about 18 months with gross motor, and on track socially (about 30 month level). Dr. Madduri did note that she has a lot of age appropriate skills in all areas but felt she was more consistent in overall development with a 20-24 month old. My estimates were similar. The PT recommended that she get SMOs which are basically like ankle braces to help keep her from rolling her ankles inward. I've been asking about them for some time and now they feel it's appropriate. She was fitted yesterday at Dynamic Orthotics and they should be ready for pick-up in about 3 weeks. I requested that each foot be a different pattern (bumble bees on one and barnyard animals on other) so that I could start working with her on which foot they go on as well as, later on, which is left and right.
Ashton got "Super Star" today at school and is just soaking up kindergarten. She's doing great in dance, gymnastics, and soccer too. Busy little girl...
Dax is crawling faster, standing quicker, and eating more each day. He got his first "official" haircut Monday night (Corey cut off his 2 inch mullet hair months ago but the rest was getting shaggy). It's now a cute, little boy, spiked-up do. He looks so much older.
Mason has an eye appointment at the UH Eye Clinic on October 3 to rule out vision issues and MRI on her leg to check the size of her tumor on October 18th. Keep her in your prayers as we find out if the tumor has gotten smaller or stayed the same (getting bigger isn't an option for us).
Buddy Walk is coming up and we have a good sized team together for MASON'S FAN CLUB. We're walking at the George R. Brown on Sept 29th at 10am. Check online at for more information.
Also, the Brazoria County Fair Parade is creeping up and the girls are riding in it. Ashton is Little Miss Pony Land and Mason is Littlest Miss Pony Land!!! Mason will, undoubtedly, be a hit as she waves and rides through town! She's so freakin' cute when she's up on those horses. Come out and see her October 13th at 10am in Angleton.

Posted Sep 10, 2007 3:33pm
Okay, so Ashton is doing great in Kindergarten. She loves her teacher, Ms. Stilwell, and got to check out 2 books from the library today so...she's thrilled. Her best friend, Melanie, is in class with her and her "boyfriend" Cody is down the hall. Mason is still in the toddler room at ACC but is the next on the list to move up to the Rompers if space is available. Dax is taking his bottles good now and eating tons of food.
Both girls are in dance. Ashton is loving it but Mason cries the whole time. Her dance teacher called today and wants to do 1:1 sessions until she becomes more comfortable. Ashton's class is tonight and Mason's is tomorrow so we'll see how she does with the 1:1. Ashton's soccer team, the Goal Busters, did really good in their first game last Saturday. Ashton's not liking the heat much so she didn't quite play 2 full quarters.
Dax has really picked up the pace these past few weeks. He just started crawling well last month but yesterday he pulled up to a stand on the ottoman!! He did it a few times so I know it wasn't a fluke. He also cut a tooth on Friday - his first tooth. The boy is just growing too quickly.
We have a Down Syndrome parent support group tonight and play therapy session for the kids so...should be fun!

Posted Aug 12, 2007 11:06pm
So last week I went back to work and the kids back to daycare. Dax refused to take his bottle from Ms. Kim...little toot. Mason showed off her new skills for her teachers and just got right back into her little class with ease. Ashton is enjoying these last 3 weeks before kinder with the friends she has been so close to these past 3 years at ACC lab school. It's been nice. All 3 were snotty and funky this weekend but seem to be feeling better this evening. Dax is officially crawling now but he travels at a snail's pace! He's funny to watch, it's like he watched a video on proper crawling procedure and is copying it - he's very deliberate with each movement he makes. Ashton went with me and Mari yesterday to a 1st time soccer coach training...she's obsessed with it now. She's played with her soccer ball all evening and is correcting her daddy on his technique!
My friend Lori had her baby on Friday. Genevieve Ella Jamail was born at 11:02am, weighed in at 9 pounds, 6 ounces and 20 inches long. She looks like she's a month old already. She's not all jittery and quivery like a newborn...just quiet and observant. I hope this mellow attitude will last!

Posted Jul 31, 2007 2:29pm
Mason's 6 month review for ECI services was this morning. She was very energetic and funny while her therapy team was here. On her own, she walked into the living room, said some little command babble like "look me" and did a front roll. They were just amazed.
She has been receiving physical therapy (PT) once a week, speech twice a month, occupational therapy (OT) once a month, and nutrition checks quarterly. For this last 6 months of service (until her 3rd birthday) we're changing things up a bit...She will have speech twice a month, OT twice a month, developmental services (DS = glorified educational play activities) twice a month, and PT will drop to once a month. DS and PT will be done after school at home but due to time constraints with our time and the therapists', speech and OT will come to the lab school during the day. Mason will walk on the balance beam after Ashton's gymnastics class for about 15 minutes a week (as time allows)and will start dance class in September. We will continue with weekly PT at TCH thru August. She will start receiving some extra speech support from a therapist that I work with (as she has time). I think between all the therapies, dance/gymnastics, and going to Ashton's soccer practices...she should really develop a lot this Fall...and we should all be in bed early each evening!

Posted Jul 27, 2007 8:22am
So this week we have some exciting news. Mason can now do a front somersault or front roll! It's really funny to see. We were in Liberty last Friday visiting family and she decided to do one, out of the blue. She's been doing them more this week too. It's just so cute to see her flip that little body over.
She's still doing well in therapy. We will continue to go to TCH thru August for physical therapy and then stop in September. She will be taking dance and gymnastics by then so...those things should help to develop her coordination and good walking posture as much at PT was doing. They work on a balance beam at PT so, not much difference.
The weigh-in this week was funny. Dax weighed 20.8 pounds,
Mason weighed 22 pounds, and Ashton weighed 40.8 pounds. Ashton is now 3 feet 8 inches tall too! Dax is already half her size!!
What else to tell...Dax is trying to crawl but really just rocks back and forth and then flops out onto his tummy. Mason is speaking more and signing more. This week she's been saying and signing "I love you" and "please" more on her own without prompts.

Posted Jul 15, 2007 12:05pm
Well, Mason weighed in at 21.9 pounds this week. Not quite as heavy as a few weeks ago but at least she's staying above 20 pounds! She's really developing this summer...her communication is getting better and better - she's saying "Dax, Kathy, Momma, Daddy, and Ashton" much better now - though still not where a stranger would recognize anything more than "daddy." She's saying "more, drink, eat, puppy, kitty, horse" along with their signs now. She's just amazing. Her walking is more smooth and fluid these days and she's much faster - almost running. In the next 3 weeks or so, she will be starting gymnastics at All American in Lake Jackson. They're going to try her in a class first and if she does well there (with a helper) then that's where she'll stay...otherwise she'll either have an individual session or wait another few months to start. We're also looking into a dance class for her after her PT on Tuesdays. Her proofs for the Down Syndrome calendar are in and I'm going to go broke buying pics - they're adorable!
Ashton is signed up for soccer and I'm a co-coach along with Mari. We got suckered into coaching to get our kids on the same team. It should be fairly easy at this level. Just basic terminology and technique...goal, kick, ball, run... haha!
Dax is trying to crawl but is just floundering and flailing around on the floor most of the time - mostly on his big ol' tummy. He's making lots of great sounds and getting bigger every day.

Posted Jul 4, 2007 11:08pm
We went out to the ski lake this afternoon for lunch, family, and some water fun = riding in the boat since it was raining. Then tonight we went out to Chuck and Tona's house and their kids put on a fireworks show.
Mason hates loud fireworks...that's the big news. It appears that, in the past, her hearing impairment has worked in our favor. However, now that her hearing has improved significantly with growth and the most recent set of tubes, she's not as happy to be around fireworks. Incidently, she also wasn't fond of the boat motor noise today...she prefers the jetski.
Hope you all had a fun, safe, and hopefully dry July 4th. Take care.

Posted Jul 2, 2007 11:12pm
We came home Sunday night and went to the visitation for my coworker, Sarah. Her funeral was today and very sad. Ashton was very sweet and all day she kept hugging me and saying "Momma I'm sorry your friend died." She can be so sweet.
Mason has said "I love you" a few times in the past 2 days so I guess that I can count it as an official phrase!! I was thinking that I was hearing it because I wanted to hear it but she is definitely doing it. It's not real clear but the stresses are on the right syllables and it's just so nice to hear.
Dax is eating guacamole and chicken pieces. I've been trying to feed him baby food with no luck for weeks now and today he was diving for my chicken so...he ate it!

Posted Jun 30, 2007 1:36pm
Well, we're here in Lago Vista visiting family. There's a LOT of flooding about 20 miles down the road in Marble Falls but we're fine here. The kids have had fun swimming, shopping, and just watching all the deer in the yard. Mason signs and says "puppy" when she sees them...pretty funny! Everyone is happy and healthy at the moment so we're just enjoying ourselves. We'll be coming home tomorrow and have a busy week planned.
On a sad and more personal note...the receptionist at Passmore Elementary (one of the campuses I work at) had a seizure and passed away this past week. Sara was only 26-27 years old and leaves a family behind. Her funeral costs are being covered by school personnel and donations. The funeral home is Scott Funeral Home off of Hwy 6 in Alvin. For those of you who work in Alvin with me, if you know of churches or people who might like to give food, condolences or other contributions, please call the funeral home or Passmore at 281-585-6696. The visitation is from 5-8pm Sunday and service is at 1pm on Monday.

Posted Jun 24, 2007 9:54pm
Okay, so it's been a bit since the last posting and I apologize. Our trip to Bandera went wonderfully. The kids all enjoyed playing in the Medina River (see pics) and Ashton officially became a cowgirl. She participated in a calf scramble at a rodeo just outside of town. She wanted to do the Mutton Bustin' (sheep riding) but didn't get signed up in time. Mason loved watching Ashton and was shouting "A-a" as loud as she could the whole time. She also enjoyed the horses. Mason loved throwing rocks in the river and walking in the shops around town. She was a bit of a "bull in a china shop" that week though...definitely in her terrible two's! Dax really surprised me and enjoyed being in the cold water of the Medina...he kicked and splashed. He started saying "baba" and "hupa" a lot too and has been talking even more this week. I think he may be an early talker/late walker which is fine by me. I'll take communication over walking anyday.
We came back last weekend but had a busy week this week. Mason did well in therapy and weighed 22.3 pounds at her weight check!!! WOOHOO! Ashton had her dance recital on Friday (Corey's birthday) and did an AMAZING job. We were amazed when she agreed to be in dance and I was a little worried that she wouldn't do the recital but she did an outstanding job. She smiled and danced the whole time. Mason danced throughout the ENTIRE dance recital to all the routines and called out Ashton's name when she was on stage. I can't wait until Mason's old enough to actually be in a class...I think that it'll be great for her and I know she'll enjoy it.
Now for the big news....drum roll...Mason has been selected to be Miss February in the 2008 Down Syndrome Association of Houston calendar!!! She had her photo shoot yesterday and was beautiful. She is an angel in a sea of Hershey Kisses. They put a pretty tutu and some pink feather angel wings on her. We couldn't get her to wear the halo (more like a woodland fairy/sprite halo than an angel one) but she was adorable. Ashton did some test shots at the beginning of the shoot to help the photographer adjust the lighting and she also took some of Dax at the end. The calendars will be for sale later this year on the DSAH website Feel free to purchase them for yourself and loved ones!!
The kids also made a gift for Corey Saturday at Firehouse Pottery so I'll post a pic of that when I get it back from the pottery house.
Last week both girls got their first formal horseback riding lesson and loved it. Session two is at 8am tomorrow morning for both girls. Mason has speech therapy tomorrow afternoon and Ash's gymnastics at night. We'll do some OT/PT on Tuesday and then head out to Austin for about 5 days. Lots to do in the summer and I'm squeezing it all in as best as I can.
Oh, happy birthday Uncle Josh!!

Posted Jun 11, 2007 3:21pm
Everyone is doing well. There's a bit of the sniffles going around but nothing big. I'm officially off for the summer - I worked an extra 2 days due to all of my absences this year. Dax is sitting up on his own when placed in seated position...he only rolls over when he's mad but can sit up...crazy boy. Mason is getting quick on her feet. She's been copying Ashton's ballet moves more and more. Ashton's party went well and she really enjoyed having a pony at her house. When the party ended and the friends went home she was sitting on the table in the other living room looking pathetic. When I asked her what was wrong she said, "I just thought my friends were going to spend the night. I didn't want them to leave. I'm SO lonely." It was pathetic. Evidently, a few of the little girls and Ashton had come up with a plan to spend the night so...when it didn't happen, she was sad.
Mason has been working really hard on climbing things but her height still slows her down. She's also problem solving better. She was outside coloring the patio with sidewalk chalk and wanted to ride her rocking horse. She sat and looked at the chalk in her hand, looked at the pony, tried to get on but couldn't with her hand full, sat for a bit and then set the chalk down, climbed on the horse and then grabbed the chalk and put it between her legs. It was just so strange seeing her "click" in front of my eyes.
We've got gymnastics tonight, therapy and dance tomorrow, and then the kids, me, and my mom are heading to Bandera for 4 days!! Ashton can't wait.

Posted May 30, 2007 10:03pm
Mason's bootie tubes are out and the skin is starting to heal. I took her to the surgeon Tuesday to have the tubes removed and all went well. He said the incisions looked she'll just have a "Bermuda Triangle" of scars on her rear.
This past weekend was a milestone for her...on Friday the 25th I turned around her car seat. She's now facing forward and holding steady at 20 pounds and has been for about 2-3 weeks so...she's officially a big girl now. She thinks she's so hot and enjoys watching the tv in the car.
Dax and Ashton are doing well. Ashton's 5th birthday is Friday and her party is Saturday...she's very excited. Dax tried cereal this evening and hated it so we'll try again tomorrow. That's all for now.

Posted May 21, 2007 11:16pm
Mason went to school today. They were fine and willing to deal with her diapering issues. I told them to call me if she pooped and it was difficult to clean her. I got the call at 4:20 as I was heading to pick her up. Once I got there, they had done a fine job but were just concerned that the area could be cleaner. It hurts her still to really clean the booty so, when we're home we bathe her after dirty diapers...they couldn't do this. Anyway, I just couldn't ask for a better place for her to be during the day.
Apparently, this whole ordeal has made her a bit more vocal...she's throwing a few more fits than before but I think that's due to the sore backside and just being a 2 year old in general.

Posted May 20, 2007 11:06am
Mason's booty looks better with every bath. She's taking her meds well (mixed in orange juice or lemonade). In fact, right now, she's guzzling her OJ!! I just hope she doesn't get tired of drinking citrus drinks in the next week. She's drinking 3 glasses of OJ a day so I'm a little worried about how she'll handle all that acid but it's a small price to pay for this thing to clear up.
We had a good visit with my sisters and even got out yesterday to go to lunch at The Local and to the Sea Center in Lake Jackson...Mason loves to look at the fish. No big plans for today. We might go up to Pony Land to visit the horses and let Ashton ride...not sure about Mason yet. She seems to enjoy wagon rides and they're pretty rough so I think a slow pony ride would be fine on her booty.

Posted May 19, 2007 10:03am
So the spray candy worked for about 1/2 the dose then she started blowing raspberries. She's having to take 7ML 3x per day which is about a 1 and 1/3 teaspoon's a lot. I followed the pharmacist's advice on which flavoring would cover the taste the best and it's lemon. I'm going to buy some lemon custard and different lime and lemon yogurts to see if she'll do it mized with that...also gonna try Chick Fil A lemonade...
Mason is sleeping right now. She was very happy to be home yesterday and played with all of her toys. She didn't want to go to bed last night...wanted to keep playing. Mom came over to welcome her home and so did Mari and Carlos (with all the kids). Mason was really happy to have a group of kiddos to play with. Aunts April and Kara arrived yesterday and we're going to play today...maybe get out of the house for a bit if the weather doesn't get too hot.

Posted May 18, 2007 4:45pm
Hi to everyone. This is Kathy (Jen's mom). Jen is on the phone as I type. They are on their way home. Mason is happy and keeps trying to say Ashton & Dax. They have a follow-up in about a week with the surgeon.

Posted May 18, 2007 1:35pm
We're waiting on the surgeon to write orders for Mason to be released from the hospital. Her wound is looking much better. This morning the surgeon, Dr. Eugene Kim, said that we would just come to his office in the next week or so to get the drain-tubing removed. She is going to have to take an extremely -tasting antibiotic so any tips to get it in her would be greatly appreciated. My friend, Mari, said to try giving her M&Ms between small drops of the meds...we're gonna try it but I want some back up plans just in case. I'm going to buy that spray candy and try it before I try the M&Ms.
Thank you for the well wishes. This is her 3rd hospitalization this school year (leg tumor, tubes in ears, and now staph) and I hope that's it until her next set of tubes next year. Keep her in your prayers please!

Posted May 17, 2007 7:19pm
Well, she's doing well. Mason has been walking all over the place and is now "driving" a car (see pic). They will re-evaluate her stats in the morning and decide when to send her home then. She took a bath today and seemed to enjoy it.

Posted May 17, 2007 11:06am
I'm here at the hospital. Mason is sound asleep with her butt up in the air. It's sounding like they're planning on keeping her one more night just to make sure all is well. Corey said she ate half a little pack of dry Fruit Loops and drank some milk and OJ for breakfast...normally she eats 2 helpings of oatmeal and some fruit so...her appetite isn't normal but it's not too bad. When she wakes up I'm going to try to get her to walk around a bit just to keep her from getting too sore. She isn't running fever at the moment which is great considering she had a 103 temp prior to her surgery last night.

Posted May 17, 2007 1:02am's nearly 1am and Ashton, Dax, and I just walked into the house. Mom was right behind me coming home and Corey has stayed at the hospital with Mason. It's strange to not be the parent spending the night but with Dax still nursing and being so little, I had to come home with him.
Mason didn't go into surgery until 10pm and was out very quickly, by 10:30pm. The infected area had grown so much that they had to put in 2 drains. When I see the drain I picture the old-school, 80's jelly bracelets...looping through the infected area to keep it semi-open so it'll continue to drain and not become re-infected. Pretty amazing little things. Her entire left butt cheek was infected by the time they got her back into surgery. I'm a bit irritated b/c the area had grown in the 6.5 hours from when we arrived at the **** hospital but apparently, unless you've severed a limb from your body, you don't get serviced quickly. Once she was out, other than being really groggy, she seemed to feel much better. When we left a midnight she was snoring lightly and sleeping. I called Corey as I exited off 288 to Angleton and he said she keeps trying to stand up in her sleep and hit her head on the crib before he could get to her 1 time. Hopefully, she'll get into a deep sleep soon. The surgeon said 24-36 hours in the hospital so she might come home tomorrow night or Friday morning. I am taking Ashton to ACC and Dax to Ms. Kim's in the morning in Alvin so they can have normal days and then I'll head up to the hospital. I'll probably stop by work to grab some files to keep me busy.
Ashton has her Trike-a-thon tomorrow and is very excited.
Mason is at Texas Children's Hospital, 14th floor, room #7.

Posted May 16, 2007 6:16pm
Okay,we need lots of prayers. We are at Tx Children's. Mason needs surgery for the abcess on her rear. It stopped draining and became blocked. It now takes up her entire left butt cheek. They have her on the board for an OR around 8:30-9pm. Hopefully one will be available. They've started her on an IV and are about to start IV antibiotics. She is asleep now but was in a FOUL mood earlier,understandably so.

Posted May 15, 2007 11:35pm
So the fever is gone and the antibiotics seem to be working. Mason does have a staph infection on her rear end...poor's about an inch away from her booty-pucker and 2 inches from her va-jayjay.
It's draining now and doesn't seem near as painful to her as it did earlier today before it ruptured. She's staying home tomorrow with my mom (no oozing sores at daycare). Her job is letting her take a vacation day to watch Mason since I'm all out of sick/vacation time. Corey stayed home with Mason today and they had a blast...ate lunch at McDonald's, played outside, cuddled. She should be good to go on Thursday.
They're doing a St. Jude's Trike-a-thon at the lab school Thursday but it's at the same time as a promotional photo shoot for the BACH Barn Bash, which is June 2nd at 5:30pm @ the Brazoria County Fair Grounds (after Ashton's birthday party). Mason was asked by the Director of BACH, K.C. Strate, to be in the photo so...we're going to have to skip the Trike-a-thon unfortunately.
I feel so bad for Mason. It's like she can't catch a break. She's too little to go through all this mess. I told a lady I work with, Gaye McDaniel, that I thought people unestimated life being dull or being bored. There's something to be said for having nothing to do. I wish I had nothing to do (nothing I HAD to do)and could just do what I want. I'm sure Mason would agree.
Take care of yourselves and may you find lots of dull moments in your day to enjoy!

Posted May 14, 2007 11:31pm
Mason's dr appt was a bit of an unsolved mystery type thing...not sure what's causing the fever. Dr. Isenhower said Mason's throat actually looks better than it did last week. She noticed her pulling at her ear but said her ears are clear. She was chewing on her thumb so she said it could be that she's uncomfortable from teething plus a bit of an infection but all in all...she was stumped...especially since Mason was on antibiotics and doing so well for the past 5 days. She does have a little sore bump under the skin on her butt so she added Bactrim to fend off any Staph infection that could fester. So unfortunately for my gal, she's on 2 antibiotics at the moment since only one works for the Staph and the other for the throat. She stayed home with Mom tonight while I took Ash to gymnastics. Tomorrow Corey is going to work from home (pending any restaurant emergencies) and keep her with him. If her fever increases at any point we have to take her in to get blood drawn to check for more serious infection due to her medical history. I don't anticipate it going up since she's been in a much more alert and functional state this evening. Keep her in your prayers as always!

Posted May 14, 2007 12:28pm
Mason's running a fever again. She was fine the end of last week and all weekend. She spiked a fever at the Lab School this morning and I had to go pick her up. I'm taking her to the doc this afternoon. She's been asleep on the floor for over 3 hours now and just woke up. We're going to get lunch and then head to Houston. Pray for my little angel to get well quickly...she's in a great mood!!
By the way, she drove the ski boat this weekend at the lake and also rode on the jetski with her G-Daddy. She's just like me...loves the water. Ashton and Dax just rode in the boat. Dax will be jetskiing this next Wednesday night when we go back out!

Posted May 10, 2007 10:59am
So Mason was sick Tuesday and Wednesday. She was running fever Tuesday night and just puttered out in the middle of her physical therapy session at TCH. She started laying down, hit her very quickly. I just thought she was tired until we got to Ashton's dance class in Pearland. They were doing the recital photos and Mason just sat still and kept laying down in my lap - which is very uncharacteristic of her; she's usually go go go. At that point is when she started running fever. She wouldn't eat and kept tugging at her ear. I took her to the dr Wednesday and she's now on antibiotics and pain ear infection though. She was weighed at her appt and is a whopping 19 pounds 13 ounces (with clothes on and a semi-wet diaper)...silly munchkin! She was much better today after 3 doses of antibiotics and went back to school, fever free. They're having Circus Day today and are having a circus performance and face painting this morning. I just absolutely LOVE the Lab School!!
Dax is rolling over more and more - still more as a result of throwing a fit but...I take what I can get. He's staying with my grandparents today and I'm sure is being spoiled rotten by them. They were so happy to get their great-granddaughters but I know they're happy to finally get that great-grandson to put in the boat and take on the tractor!!

Posted May 3, 2007 10:19am
Ashton is now officially registered for Kindergarten!!
Mason's doing great. They're having pony rides at the lab school today and the girls are so excited.

Posted Apr 30, 2007 10:09pm
Not a whole lot to report...everyone is doing well which is, in it's own way, news to snotty noses, no fevers, no worries.
Mason's faster than ever on those 2 little legs. She's now going up into the gazebo at her school which is making her teachers nervous (it's about 3-4 feet off the ground). I know the dangers and I'm not worried...she won't fall off the top platform b/c there's railing. She might fall trying to crawl down the stairs but, how else is she supposed to learn right?! She went with us to Ashton's gymnastics class tonight and REALLY wanted out there on the floor. I think she's going to be pretty fun to watch when she turns 3 and is old enough to be in the class. Tuesday is our busy day. I have work and then we have Mason's weight check/nutrition appt and physical therapy at Tx Children's; Ashton's dance class is after that on the way home from Houston. It'll be hectic but everyone is totally worn out when we get home so it does have a benefit to me.
Dax is rolling from his belly to his back now but only when he's really REALLY mad...he hasn't figured out how to do it without the fuss. I've been holding him way too much and need to let him get down and fuss more on his belly.

Posted Apr 19, 2007 12:16pm
All's well in the Taylor house. Dax is growing like a weed. Mason's getting faster and faster. Ashton is learning to dance (it will be a much slower process) but she's trying hard.
So yesterday I was able to play with Mason a bit on the playground at her school. When it was time to come inside she walked right over to the tiny sink (water was on) and washed her hands (saying "wash" the whole time). When she was done with the water she pointed up and said "da" which I assumed meant "dry" - so I gave her a paper towel. She dried her hands by herself, turned and walked to the trash can and threw it away. Now...for those of you who don't know...she throws things away all the that's not such a big deal BUT what you have to realize about this particular trash can is that it's MUCH taller than her. When she stretches her little arms above her head and gets on her tip toes, she's able to barely swing the lid open to put in the trash. It's actually very impressive to watch. Then the kicker was she turned back to me, smiled and said "All done wash." It sounded more like "Ay doyn wash" but it was perfect!!! I'm just so stinkin' proud of her. I'm also so happy with how much being at the lab school has helped her. She's learned so much and the teachers treat her like everyone else which is all we ask. Her classmates are happy that she's walking now and play with her in the sandbox daily. She prefers the sandbox which is fine with me...scooping and dumping dirt is a good skill builder.

Posted Apr 16, 2007 1:19pm
Mason's walking faster and faster...she's even running away from me when I call her - she laughs and high tails it to the playroom looking over her shoulder the whole time!! She's been really congested all weekend and I called her pediatrician today to get an antibiotic to fend off the sinus infection that seems to be developing. We have a busy week this week. We have a Down Syndrome Parent Group meeting tonight after gymnastics, therapy at TCH tomorrow and dance after that on the way home in Pearland, then therapy again on Wednesday at the house, and events this weekend between all of this I squeeze in some actual work too ;o)
Dax is doing good - smiling and cooing, trying to roll over but not succeeding (probably b/c mommy holds him too much). At his 4 month check up last Thursday, he weighed 16 lbs, 4 oz and Mason was 19lbs, 14 oz. He is in the 75th %ile for height and weight. He's 1.5 inches shorter than Mason!

Posted Apr 10, 2007 10:04pm
Therapy went well today and so did the weight check. Mason lost a tiny bit of weight. She's 19.5 pounds. RUNT! She was telling everyone in the hospital hi but she says, "I" and waves/blows kisses. It's not that she's mispronouncing it but she's just doing it with a bit of a British accent - being fancy and all! ;o) She was so excited to be at therapy today that she started without her therapist. We got there about 10 minutes early. She asked (signed) for her shoes and asked to get down (said "dow" and pointed). As soon as her feet hit the floor she took off at full speed down the hall and knocked on the door to the therapy room. It was really cute.
Ashton tried out a dance class at Dancescape in Pearland on the way home and loved it. I was looking into this b/c the time of the class is perfect for the time that we get out of therapy and down 288. It's a mini-session that runs from now until the recital on June 22 - no other studios have a mini session this time of year. I'm going to call tomorrow and sign her up. If she continues to like it then I'll move her to Pure Energy in Angleton or somewhere closer next Fall when they start classes. She told me today "I want to do dance and gymnastics forever." For those of you who know her, you will see the humor here. For 2 years she has thrown a full-fledged fit anytime I've mentioned taking dance. She only wanted how she's changed.
Dax is well and chunky as ever. When I went to pick him up this afternoon from Ms. Kim's he actually laughed out loud (loudly) and reached for me! It was so sweet. He turned 4 months old this past Friday but looks so much older to me b/c of his size.

Posted Apr 8, 2007 10:47pm
Other than the freezing cold and rain...we had a great Easter. We went to College Station to be with my mom's side of the family. Mason was able to show off her excellent walking skills to the family. Everyone who hasn't met Dax was able to meet him and it was just really enjoyable. The girls did well hunting eggs in the cold. Mason quit after about 3 eggs when she found one that rattled when shaken....that was way more entertaining to her. She's still pretty congested and coughing - being outside didn't help. Dax was unimpressed by the whole process of egg hunting and seemed to prefer watching the Masters golf tournament with his dad and uncle Josh. I will post pictures soon.

Posted Apr 4, 2007 10:15pm
Therapy went well this week. Tuesday at Tx Children's, Mason walked around the therapy floor (21st floor of the West Tower)! The ENTIRE floor, not just the therapy room. She wore her Hip Helpers which brought her stance inward to a more typical, shoulder width spread. She's beginning to squat to pick up items and return to a stand without falling down. Today she signed "peach" but was actually asking for any fruit in general...she settled for grapefruit. Therapy today, at the house, was a little more difficult b/c she's cranky. I think she's cutting a new tooth (this will be #9). She's drooling like crazy and not very hungry. On that note, she can't afford to skip a meal...Tuesday at her weight check she was 29 inches long and 20.5 pounds! Dax, who they weighed just to be nice, was 15.6 pounds and 26.5 inches.
Mason is trying to talk more and more and has started saying "hi" when she enters her classroom each morning. At therapy on Tuesday as she paraded thru the parent waiting room while making her lap of the therapy floor she did something really cute: picture this, she's walking with her wide stance, somewhat off balance, smiling and waving, and blowing kisses to all the waiting parents. She looked like the world's tiniest beauty pageant contestant. It was hilarious and got a lot of attention.
Ashton and Dax are doing well. The girls have an egg hunt at the lab school tomorrow, pending weather. Dax will be chilling at the sitter's house with 2 older women (3 years and the other about 7 months). He's got it made.

Posted Mar 27, 2007 8:41pm
Mason's ear is much better this evening. The meds are working. Her weight check today....19 pounds 7 ounces, 29 inches long.
She walked all over the therapy room today and wore her "hip helpers" to bring her stance in. These resemble biker shorts that have the inseams sewn together - doesn't allow her to spread her legs too far apart when walking. We used them to help her learn to sit upright and to crawl...they're really helpful and relatively cheap as far as therapy tools go. We've spent a lot more money on a lot more things that didn't work as well as these do.
FYI - we made it through therapy and all over the hospital minus the stroller but my back will never be the same. I looked like a human version of a clown car - kids strapped all over me!!

Posted Mar 27, 2007 12:47pm
So the horse show was a big hit...Mason clapped and danced (wiggled) the whole time. She was worn out and fell asleep on the way home. Sunday night I noticed a lot of nasty drainage coming from her right ear. Monday morning it was worse and I won't make you sick with the details but needless to say, her hair was stuck to her ear...YUCK!! I took her to the ENT yesterday and she has a bad sinus infection - what's coming out of her nose is also coming out of her ear...the tubes are doing their job. She's on an antibiotic, decongestant/antihistamine, and ear drops. She has to go back Friday to make sure it's healing well and to get fitted for special ear plugs. Her balance is a little off with the sinus issue but she's walking better and better each day. We have a weight check and therapy at TCH today. I forgot to pack the stroller so it's not going to be an easy trip with all 3 kids. Last time I forgot the stroller I carried Dax in the carseat carrier, Mason in the Snuggli and Ash held the diaper bag. I think today I'll put Dax in the Snuggli - he feels heavier and it's easier to hold him that way.

Posted Mar 24, 2007 9:10pm
Mason's been very sinus-y lately and I'd appreciate a quick prayer for her. She's in a great mood as usual but not eating as well as she normally does and just seems a bit groggy and out of sorts at times. She actually seems better tonight then she did during the day but I think that'll be short-lived. She's been waking up in the early morning hours needing sinus meds.
We're going to see the Lippazaner (spelling?) horses tomorrow at the Toyota Center with my mom. My cousin Tracy and her daughter Emma are meeting us. I think the older girls will be impressed and hope Mason enjoys it too. Dax is just along for the snuggle time. ;o)

Posted Mar 21, 2007 11:12am
So Mason is now saying her /k/, /p/, and /g/ sounds! She's been making all these funny sounds and really experimenting with language this past week. She'll copy more of my words and "converses" with us more and more each day. After her first set of tubes before her 1st birthday she made huge strides. This second set is even better. It's like the 3 weeks that she went without hearing well when they first fell out really prompted her to want to talk. It's exciting to carry on a conversation with her. She points to what she wants, tries to say the name, and then claps for herself when you get the item for her. I'm saving taking pictures and labels from favorite food items to put on magnets on the frig so that she can show us EXACTLY what she wants. We're going to start using PECS (picture exchange communication system) with her now that she's more mobile. She's walking all over the place and is even becoming brave enough to walk around her class at the lab school. They're so excited! She walks to the blocks, the sandbox, her friends...and so far (knock on wood) no serious injuries.
Ashton and Dax are great too. He's starting to kick at his toy bar and trying to grab things. Ashton is perfecting her cartwheel and riding her bike every night. They're all just really doing good now and it's just so nice.

Posted Mar 14, 2007 11:27pm
Okay, so Mason fell asleep on the chair/ottoman at 4:30pm and she's still asleep - so is her daddy...they're passed out in our bed and don't think either will be waking up before 8am tomorrow morning.
So Ashton came up to Dax, who was lying on the couch, and was playing with him. She turned to me and said, "Mommy, Dax has the cutest nibbles...he has two cute nibbles" I thought she said "nipples" and wondered where that comment came from since he's wearing a onesie that covers his fat little chest. I asked her what she meant and she said, "Right there on his cheek, his nibbles." I said, "Do you mean his DIMPLES?" She did. It was just so cute. So I think I may refer to dimples as nibbles from now on ;o)

Posted Mar 14, 2007 4:53pm
Mason's surgery went well today. It went much quicker than the first one over a year ago. The doctor said her ear canals were remarkably bigger and that made it much easier to place the tubes. For those who don't know...January 4, 2006 when she got her first set of tubes it took over 3 hours for the procedure - should've taken about 20 minutes but b/c everything on her is mini-sized it was a VERY complicated procedure. They redid her hearing test and it was much improved over her last one...within normal limits in one ear and mild loss in the other (can't remember which is which). She had a hard time waking up afterwards and it took her about 2-3 hours to get her oxygen saturation percentage high enough to be discharged. I was so scared they were going to make us spend the night. Every time we've checked into the hospital it's ended up being at least a week before we're discharged....but we're home now and not sitting in ICU complaints here! Mason just fell asleep half in the chair and half on the ottoman...poor baby is exhausted. I will try to post a photo of this soon. Thanks for the prayers!

Posted Mar 12, 2007 10:37am
We're off for Spring Break and not doing a thing. I have grand plans to fold clothes today while the kiddos are napping. If you've seen the "room full of unfolded clothes" that we have then you'd appreciate how daunting a task this will be. Mason is doing well, somewhat congested, but well nonetheless. She's scheduled to have her surgery this Wednesday and TCH just called to say that everything is ready to go.
Dax is coughing but happy. Ashton has discovered the joys of playing computer games at home now that my dad fixed our desktop computer. She and I are fighting over the computer. She wants to get on Noggin Online and I want to update my Care Page and My Space. It's a funny situation when you find yourself fighting with a 4 year old over computer rights!
Our monthly DSAH meeting last Thursday was great. They brought in a special needs attorney and financial planner to discuss trusts and financial planning. We are going to use them in the next month to set up Mason's trust. At that point, all grandparents are going to have to amend their own wills so that Mason doesn't directly inherit's sad when you have to basically disinherit your child to protect their future...what a screwed up system we have here.

Posted Mar 6, 2007 12:10pm
MRI preliminary results came in and they are good. There appears to be no growth of the tumor in Mason's leg and the report actually suggested that "some improvement" is noted!!!!!! I'm so freakin' happy I could just scream. AND Mason set a new personal best record of 25 independent steps on Sunday evening. That was her birthday present to me!! She still has the "Frankenstein walk" but is getting smoother and quicker. She's walking more at school and really starting to get into things.
Dax and Ashton are doing well too. Everyone's pretty healthy now though Ashton ran fever all weekend. Mason appears to be teething - chewing on her fingers constantly and messy diapers but she's in a great mood. Dax is starting to bat at his toys and continues to show an affinity for the television...such a man.
Mom and I are taking the kids to the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo tonight after Mason's physical therapy at Tx. Children's. Gretchen Wilson is singing. Mason loved it last year and I expect that she'll love it this year too! Ashton doesn't know yet...she's fun to surprise with trips like this...she just gets so excited. It'll be a hoot toting the 3 kids around Reliant Park without a stroller. I can't take the stroller b/c we can't bring it to our seats for the concert/rodeo. I think I can get it at a stroller check in station but I have to call and confirm that first.
The Eric Clapton concert last Friday was great! I'm going to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers tomorrow night with Corey. That was mom's Christmas present to me! It's a busy week.

Posted Feb 27, 2007 10:58am
Quickly updating during my lunch break. Mason's 2nd birthday party went wonderfully. She had a blast swimming and lots of her little friends were there to help us celebrate. I've posted 4 new pictures and a scan of her birthday invitation for your enjoyment. All 3 kids were in the water - the girls loved it like usual but Dax was less than impressed. He got used to it eventually though.
Mason had her 2 year check up on Friday at weighed in at 20 pounds even! She's 29 inches long too. She has her follow up MRI on her leg tomorrow to see if the tumor has grown, shrunk or (please God please) gone away!! Should have those results by the end of the week.
Thanks to all the family and friends who came to the party - hope you had fun!

Posted Feb 21, 2007 11:30am
Mason started her first official sand fight today (I think). She was definitely an active participant in it and has the sand in her hair to prove it. I went to put some Caladryl on Ashton's "itchies" and Mason was sitting in the kitchen (her class was outside at recess). She was drinking water to help get the sand out of her mouth. The teachers had shaken her hair out as much as possible and Ms. Teresa said it was hard to watch her crunching on the sand in her mouth so...hence the water. Mason was just as happy as could be too. Ms. Adriana and Ms. Claudia both said she just loves the sandbox. She's been seen throwing sand before so that's why I think she may have started this sand fight today. It's pretty funny - just like a typical two year old!
She did good in PT yesterday at TCH. Weight check was depressing though. Mason weighed 18 pounds 9 ounces and Dax weighed 14 pounds 9 ounces. She's 29 inches long and I haven't done his length yet but I'm guessing 26 inches. He's the size of a bull and she's a butterfly.
The appointment at the ENT was a quick one. Mason will have to have some deeply embedded wax removed, new tubes placed in both ears, and her hearing tested. They're going to do it all at once and I requested a date over Spring Break so I wouldn't miss any work. Her surgery is scheduled for 3/14/07 at 11am at Texas Children's Hospital. It'll be a relief to get her hearing well again. Just in the one week that she's been without the tube in her right ear, you can tell how poor her hearing is. I have to talk extra loud to get her attention and favor her left ear.
Everyone is well and we're looking forward to Mason's 2nd birthday party this Saturday! She'll be 2 on Friday but we're celebrating Saturday.

Posted Feb 18, 2007 9:46am
Well, we made it through my first week back at work. It was hectic and busy, especially in the mornings week down. Dax did well with the sitter. He's taking the bottle well and is drinking, on average, 3 8oz bottles while I'm at work! That seems like a lot for a 2 month old but I've been told that's how boys are so...I guess I'm just used to my girls. Mason's continuing to do well. She walked good all week and is becoming more brave at school and trying to walk on the playground and in her class. She's still throwing her food a lot and pulling hair but we're working on it - any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. She has a sinus infection again and had to go to her doctor - weighed 19 pounds 12 ounces - the PE tube in her right ear is now in the ear canal and the other is working it's way out. I'm taking her to the ENT this week to determine when the next set will go in - I can already tell a difference with her hearing without that tube - we have to talk a lot louder for her to hear and respond.
We had a family reunion in Magnolia yesterday for my mom's dad's side of the family. This was the first time that some of my uncles and aunts had met Dax. We're usually a pretty close family but with Dax being newborn and then getting ill nobody could (or was allowed) to come down and visit during the bad time of cold/flu season. They all thought he was adorable and were happy to see Mason walking too.
I'll let you know what the ENT says this week.

Posted Feb 10, 2007 10:54pm
Okay, first let me say...hmmm. It appears that all of the messages that people have left since New Year's are not showing up on my page at the moment. I can see the links to them on the main page but when I click on them...they're not there. This makes me sad b/c there were so many nice messages from people supporting Dax while he was in the hospital. I hope this is only a temporary glitch in the system.
Today Mason walked as her primary mode of transportation. She hasn't crawled since first thing this morning. She falls a lot but instead of giving up and crawling to the desired spot, she is trying to walk! I'm glad and scared at the same time - the world is about to become a lot more chaotic with her walking. I just hope people don't step on her with her being so short.
We went to a birthday for one of Ashton's classmates today at the bowling alley in Alvin and the girls had a blast. Mason clapped for everyone and Ashton actually bowled - she bowled a 51...not bad for a 4 year old.
Everyone seems to be getting better and better each day. I think the steroids are really helping Dax heal. He's not coughing as much or as fierce...the idea was that the steroids would help with any inflamation in his lungs, trachea, etc and it seems to be doing the trick. Looks like I'm still on track to go back to work on Monday and won't have to worry so much about his health.

Posted Feb 8, 2007 1:30pm
Good news!! Yesterday Mason had PT with BACH ECI at the house. Because the weather was so beautiful we worked outside in the driveway. She took 22 consecutive, unassisted steps!!! She was so proud of herself. After that her next longest walk was 14 steps. She's really coming along fast. Her form isn't the best...she's very reminiscent of Frankenstein when she walks (legs stiff, arms extended in front) but she has the BEST SMILE when she's doing it. I'm so proud of her.

Posted Feb 7, 2007 2:23pm
Mason had PT yesterday at Tx Children's and did great. She walked the entire floor of the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation wing. She's also getting bigger - weighed 19 pounds 8.6 ounces!!! Almost ready to turn around. Her sinuses are almost all clear too so...
Dax had his 2 month check up today - weighed 13 pounds 7.6 ounces. He's still sick so the dr. didn't want to give him any of his immunizations. She was worried that if he began to run fever that we wouldn't know if it was due to the sickness or the immunization. He's coughing up green occasionally (sorry for the graphic image that might have placed in your head) and his cough is very wet sounding. His lungs are still crackly sounding but wheezing is minimal. The dr. feels that this is just left over from being intubated and that his lungs and system in general are still swollen/inflamed from the pneumonia. She has put him on a steroid for 4 days and antibiotics to counteract the immunity weakening effects of the steroid. She stated that he is not or will not be contageous - if it's viral then the infectious time was days/weeks ago; if it's bacterial then the antibiotics will clear up any infectious issues within 24 hours. I am planning on returning to work Monday and he will go to the sitter too. Ii'm thinking that I'll just have to run over there during my lunch to do a breathing treatment and feed him (if he's rejected his bottle). Keep praying for him. I'm ready to have him healthy again...I know he's ready too.

Posted Feb 3, 2007 9:47am
Everyone is continuing to get better. Dax is still coughing throughout the day and last night was rough but...he's in a good mood. He's just so dramatic when he sounds awful but I think that's because he screams before every cough. I was released by my doctor to return to work on Feb 12th. Hopefully Dax will get an all clear for daycare from his pediatrician next week at his 2 month check up.

Posted Jan 30, 2007 11:25pm
Today was a good day. Dax's cough is horrible and constant but it sounds like he's actually coughing some of that nastiness out of his lungs. I went up to work today and filled out a form which allows people to donate vacation/sick days to me if they want to - it never hurts to ask. I think it's great that Alvin ISD allows for this. I've worked in 2 other districts and for MHMRA and they did not have a program like this. I was able to visit with some of my friends and get a lot of hugs - always a bonus!
Mason had PT at Tx Children's today and a weight check in the GI/Nutrition Clinic. She weighed.....drum roll.....
18 pounds 10.6 ounces (naked)!! Way to go May. She was a toot in therapy - she can walk and stand up on her own pretty good but today she refused to cooperate. She has officially hit her terrible twos; testing limits and pushing buttons (with a great smile while she does it). Ashton has been earning toy cars for completing certain tasks/chores(Hot Wheel sized versions of the characters in the movie CARS). Today she earned another one and was so proud of herself and her "collection." She has to earn 10 stickers to get a car. She gets stickers for things like brushing her teeth without being reminded, sleeping in her room (she's been clingy lately), vacuuming (push broom Shark not the big vacuum), trying new foods, picking up toys before bedtime, and Bonus Points as deemed appropriate by an adult in the house. She loves it but is down to 2 cars in her prize bag so I have to go to Wal-Mart tomorrow to stock up on new prizes. She's been so wonderful and has really grown up a lot this year. Please keep her in your prayers too!

Posted Jan 28, 2007 2:54pm
Dax's cough is getting better each day. I know it will take weeks for him to be back to normal completely but...just coughing less is wonderful. Mason's sinus infection seems to be clearing up with antibiotics. She's now fighting her breathing treatments but, luckily, isn't needing them as often. She continues to practice standing up on her own daily. She is so proud of herself, and rightly so, she's made tremendous leaps in progress since getting the function of her leg back this Fall. She had to skip therapy this past week b/c Dax was still hospitalized but she will go this Tuesday. I'll post progress then.

Posted Jan 27, 2007 11:05am
We're still holding steady at the Taylor house. Mason is walking more and more - it's hard for her to walk very well when she's clapping for herself so much! :o) She tends to clap while standing or clap while falling - she is her best cheerleader.
Ashton's hanging in there and being the great big sister that she is. She's helping so much. I can't imagine going through all of this without her help.
Dax is doing well. We still haven't worke our way back to a bedroom at night to sleep though. I sleep propped up on the couch holding him so that he's not flat. I feel like his personal Lazy Boy recliner. He just doesn't do well AT ALL when he's flat or even slightly elevated...he has to be almost totally upright to be comfortable. Spoiled little man! I'm going to try putting him in his bed for naps this afternoon and see if he does any better.
I have had many questions from people about what Dax's diagnosis actually turned out to be. I thought I had posted it but, when I went back and looked, I didn't. The cultures that grew from the secretions in his lungs were Haemophilis Influenza (Type H flu) and a Rhinovirus (fairly common). This is why he was affected so harshly - he had both a bacterial and viral infection in his lungs. The combination of these two things caused Pneumonia to set in quickly and violently. Once he started feeling the full force of these things he skipped 2 feedings - at this point we were already heading to the doctor b/c I knew something was wrong. When he missed the next feeding, in between leaving the dr office and reaching the ER, he was shutting down from dehydration. Our doctor said that babies can take a turn for the worse VERY quickly and, for Dax, this happened in a 30 minute time period that Wednesday afternoon.

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